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Nurse Station

Welcome to the Nurse Station

Here at Covington High School, we believe that “Healthy Teen's Learn Best”! You play an important role in your child's success, by ensuring that your teen gets no less than 8 hours of sleep every night, as well as a nourishing breakfast each morning to begin their school day. Remember to check the student handbook when choosing what to wear, and always try to dress for the weather (Umbrellas, hats, coats, boots, and/or gloves).

Please visit other pages on the CHS website. These resources contain helpful information about clubs, athletics, and so much more. We at CHS know that it is very important to keep our teens healthy, safe, in school, engaged and ready to learn.
Remember, my office is open during school hours, and it is my privilege to assist and aid in the management of your child's health needs.
Rebecca Weir, RN CHS 901-840-9228
Emergency Contact Information

We live in a fast moving society, with new gadgets flooding the market practically every few months. Most of these new products or ideas involve communications; new telephones, and mobile cellular services. With so many ways to stay in contact with our family, friends, and employers, it is not unusual for people to frequently purchase new phones, choose new cellular carriers, as well as, change their mobile phone numbers. Mobile lines are convenient and according to most polls, they seem to be preferred over landlines. It is not uncommon for a person to disconnect their mobile service, never feeling the need to inform others because they simply sign on with another carrier. Ofttimes, these changes go unnoticed, however, on the rare occasion, these modifications could present a problem. Especially when their is a student, and a school involved.

When phone numbers are disconnected, or changed, it is always important to share this information with the student, other family members, and most importantly, the school. In every instance, whether a student is ill, or has an acute, or chronic health condition, students should have two, or more emergency contacts, with accurate information on file at school, to ensure a prompt response when needed. If you have recently experienced a change in your telephone service or you are aware of changes that have occurred with others listed as emergency contacts; make sure that you provide the school with new updated contact information.

Administration of Medication In A School Setting

The Tennessee Department of Education has outlined guidelines for the use, and administration of medication in a school setting. In addition to these guidelines, school districts may apply additional medication administration policy and procedures. These procedures and policies have been instituted to ensure a safe and secure learning environment.

Any student who is required to take medication during the school day must comply with established medication administration policies and procedures. These policies and procedures include all medications, even over the counter drugs (OTC), also known as non-prescription remedies. Most importantly, unless approved per policy guidelines, students are not allowed to carry any medication (prescription or non-prescription) in purses, backpacks or anywhere else on their person.

To learn more about these guidelines, read the Student Handbook, or visit the Tennessee Department of Education's website.

School and Illness: Should Your Child Stay Home?

Every parent or guardian has heard this phrase… “I feel sick this morning, so I can’t go to school today.” These are cringe worthy words for many reasons because no one wants to hear that their child is sick. Even more so, students understand that when an illness keeps them away from school, any absence may result in additional work or other tedious task. Setting aside the emotional components, when a student states that they are ill, there is a root cause. Not feeling well is a real thing, and illnesses should never be ignored. The same can be said for school attendance policies; children need to be in school, and school guidelines should never be ignored.

So, how should the question of ‘illness’ be addressed?

Dr. Claire McCarthy, MD at Harvard Health Publishing, suggest a few symptoms that clearly mean a child must remain at home.

1. Fever. Any temperature of 100.0° Fahrenheit (38° Centigrade). The child must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.

2. Vomiting or diarrhea. The same 24 hour rule for Fever applies in this instance.

3. Bad pain. Pain is a warning sign from the body, telling you that something is wrong. This is a symptom that should ALWAYS be assessed by a Physician, or Healthcare Provider

4. Any breathing difficulty issue(s), or coughing that won’t stop.

5. Lice/nits (See School Attendance Policy, Students Attendance 6.200)

In addition to these symptoms, I would add…

6. Exacerbation of chronic illnesses

7. Flu-like symptoms

8. Sudden dizziness, nausea, and/ or confusion

9. Whenever advised by a Primary Care Provider (A Medical Excuse with Approved documentation)

For other symptoms, Barbara Markway, PH. D., at Psychology Today, suggest that you ‘Play detective’. The article states, “Look for patterns of when your child complains of illness. Does he wake up with a stomachache or headache? Does he complain of these things when he's busy and distracted? Does he feel ill on Saturdays? Be objective and play detective. Do this in a low key, non-accusatory way; there's no point in putting your child on the defensive. Look for clues as to what is causing your child to avoid school (Psychology Today, 2018)”.

Most importantly, in every case, when parents/guardians feel uncertain about their child’s physical/mental complaints, the illness should be assessed by a physician, or a primary care provider. These healthcare professionals are trained to diagnosis and treat physical, and mental conditions. Keeping a child at home is a decision that nearly every parent/guardian will face at one time, or another. Hopefully, these tips will aid in your decision.

If this situation is of interest to you, below is a list of website articles that cover the above topic.



Harvard Health Publishing:

Today’s Parent:



Flu Vaccine for Preteens and Teens
The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older get a seasonal flu vaccine each year by the end of October. However, as long as flu viruses are circulating, vaccination should continue throughout flu season, even in January or later.
Children & Influenza (Flu) | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) |CDC


The state’s immunization requirements follow the current schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Is your child's immunizations up to date? IMMUNIZATIONS.