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Senior FAFSA Night

We are having a FAFSA night here at Covington High School April 2nd from 3p-6p in the Library. This is CRITICAL & ESSENTAL to our students and their ability to afford post-secondary education.
EVEN if you believe that you don't need financial aid right now, please make it a point to complete this part of your student's journey in their post-secondary plan. Things and plans change drastically and we want the aid to be available to your student!
We want nothing more than to be able to propel our seniors in a positive direction and completing this is one way to do so.
The first 40 students to come to the event will be guaranteed a $10 gift card and the student's name will be entered in a drawing for a $50 and $100 gift card. If you and your student have already completed this, please stop by either Ms. Norton's or Mr. Hayslett's office and show your confirmation of completion and we will put your name into the drawings.
Please share this post to all of your friends and friends' families!